Commerce Secretary Says Americans Need ‘the Benefit of the Bargain’ from BEAD
Americans Need…. BEAD
Americans Need…. BEAD
Great Article: Wireless is NOT the Answer to Rural Broadband Needs – FIBER is the only answer
BROADBAND TAILWINDS Where the money is Back during the Great Depression in the 1930’s, an infamous bank robber emerged in the Philadelphia area. His name was Willie Sutton. Like most bank robbers, Willie eventually got caught. When he was asked why he robbed banks, his answer was surprisingly simple, “Because that’s where the money…
RURAL BROADBAND How big a deal is this? For well over a year, we in the telecom industry have been hearing rumblings about underserved populations in the hinterlands. At first, it seemed a distant “over there” kind of issue. There had been some evidence that the decade-long trend of populations fleeing rural areas for the…
5G WIRELESS…ISN’T There is a buzz-phrase going around the telecom industry that goes like this, “The road to 5G wireless is paved with fiber.” Sounds like an oxymoron, right? Does wireless really need wire? The short answer is yes and, more specifically, a LOT of wire and, even more specifically, fiber optic wire. What’s…
5G AND ISPs HIGH, LOW, AND IN BETWEEN What is 5G, really? There is no simple answer to that question. 5G is much more than a new generation (read: another “G”) of cellular service. This new paradigm in telecommunications is far too expansive and complex to be fully addressed here. However, at the user end,…
5G AND DAS What’s on the horizon? Last year, Walmart and Verizon went into talks about partnering to add 5G technology to the inside of Walmart stores. What? Why would Verizon, whose business model is to command as many telecom subscribers as they can, do such a thing? And why would big-box Walmart be involved?…
5G – ONE, TWO, THREE 5G. This changes everything. As bold as that sounds, there is a lot of truth to it. Prior to 5G, the evolutions of cellular technology, as exciting as they were, were arguably marginal. 5G is different. 5G holds the promise of life-changing, societal-changing technology that we cannot yet fully fathom.…