Trenchless Technology
Trenchless technology has opened up doors to many new and interesting developments. Projects that were once thought too grand in scale to be reality are now being successfully completed utilizing state-of-the-art Horizontal Directional Boring Machines. The greatest ambitions of pipeline professionals are now in the realm of reality and the industry has celebrated some truly remarkable milestones.
Vacuum Excavating
We are a leader in air-vacuum excavation systems, having pioneered the use of high-pressure air delivered through our premium nozzles to expose underground utilities. Our underground utility locating equipment is designed to dig potholes and trenches in any kind of soil.
Missile Boring
When worksite will not allow for directional boring equipment, pneumatic missile boring can be utilized. Our method of pneumatic missile boring is perfect for compact work sites and completely eliminates the need for a large, cumbersome, and costly directional boring or drilling rig in most cases.
Trenching & Plowing
BbI utilizes the latest in QUAD Plows and Trenchers. We can use many methods to complete the trenching that is required and use the proper method to minimize disruption to the surrounding area.
Handhole Placement
Underground construction can be a complex maze of paperwork, permits, and regulations. Our network of underground construction crews is trained and experienced for your underground utility projects. Our knowledge in handhole placement makes us uniquely qualified for all your underground construction projects.

Contact Us About Underground Telecomm Services
If you have questions or would like more information about partnering with Broadband Infrastructure, don’t hesitate to reach out.