All of your communications rely on cabling, so it’s absolutely necessary to ensure yours is flexible and well organized. Point-to-point cabling, or a poorly installed structured cabling infrastructure, has many risks. Mistakes are commonly made due to the unorganized nature of these systems, resulting in undue downtime; airflow is inhibited, leading to congestion and crushed cables; and MAC’s (Moves, Adds, and Changes) are slow and difficult, creating unnecessarily high costs.
BbI specializes in the design, installation, and maintenance of structured cabling systems — standard and fiber optic — for both new buildings and tenant improvements. We understand how critically important communications are to your business’s success, so we always make your needs our first priority. Our skill and expertise gives us the knowledge necessary to create a cabling system that maximizes power, reduces bulk, and accommodates future upgrades.

Contact Us About Structured Cabling
If you have questions or would like more information about partnering with Broadband Infrastructure, don’t hesitate to reach out.