5G – ONE, TWO, THREE 5G. This changes everything. As bold as that sounds, there is a lot of truth to it. Prior to 5G, the evolutions of cellular technology, as exciting as they were, were arguably marginal. 5G is different. 5G holds the promise of life-changing, societal-changing technology that we cannot yet fully fathom.…

BbI Selected as a Fastest-Growing Company in South Carolina for 2020 by SC Biz News

NEWS RELEASE—For Immediate Release:     Greenville SC – September 29, 2020:  Broadband Infrastructure, Inc. has been named one of the 40 fastest-growing companies in South Carolina for 2020 by SC Biz News. Twenty large companies and 20 small companies have been named to the statewide list presented annually by SC Biz News. This honor recognizes the…

Broadband Infrastructure Inc. Awarded a Fiber Infrastructure Build-Out of $13.6 Million

NEWS RELEASE—For Immediate Release:   Greenville SC – September 14, 2020:  Broadband Infrastructure Inc (BbI) announced they have been awarded a major fiber optic buildout contract for $13.6 Million with a major telecommunications company.  This project will provide over 12,000 homes access to high-speed internet in the Midwestern United States. Under the terms of the…